Look at this beauty!
Its a mail order pattern I've had for donkeys years.

It's mail order from the Philadelphia Inquirer Fashion Bureau - but I cannot find any information about it. I'm guessing that patterns were syndicated around newspaper though and that was published under many names. The Vintage Pattern Wiki has two patterns from the ame place - I'll be adding this one to it.
This is the outer envelope - a real envelope with the address and postage. As you can see it was sent to "Yardville" New Jersey.

The post mark is so tantalising - I've got almost the complete date but that last number is just unreadable. So it's from a September in the 50s - just not sure which one :)

I actually made this some time ago and it no longer fits as it once did - middle age is catching up with me! The fabric was an old curtain I got from ebay - I had to remove the lining and old tracking tape. I thought it looked a little like skyscrapers.

I recently saw that I have a pattern from philadelphia inquirer. How is the ease? Is it as crazy as the ones with the big 4?